
What are the Big Benefits of setting up company in UAE

The business setup in Dubai can bring you close to several winning opportunities. The UAE has seen massive growth in the past few years. No wonder it has become a favorite for so many SMEs and entrepreneurs. The availability of mainland and free zones can often make you confused. You have the flexibility to sign up in any of the free zones or any of the Emirates. This will play an important role while company formation in Dubai.

If you are bored with your general day-to-day job or want to expand your business, you should consider a company set up in Dubai. The process for company formation in Dubai is pretty easy and can pave the way for various opportunities. However, foreign business owners need to be extremely careful and choose only professionals for setting up a company in Dubai.

Benefits of Company Formation in Dubai

When you want to opt for a Company Formation in Dubai you can get various advantages. UAE is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Moreover, most of its revenue comes from Dubai. So, who wouldn’t want to set up business in Dubai?

If you need the help of local consultants, Business Link UAE can assist you at very competitive prices. We will manage all the basics of your business application and contribute to its growth. Once you put the responsibility on us, we will take care of all the other areas. Right from your documentation to getting your business registered, we will handle all the basics of your business.

But, setting up a business in Dubai will only become smooth when you have all the documents and legal undertaking ready. While Business Link will help with the arrangements it is crucial to submit only the original data and accurate information.

Great features

UAE is made of different free zones and each of them is unique on its own. UAE business setup can play an important role in easing investments and tracing. As long as you have technical skills and knowledge, you can easily set up your business here.

UAE attracts investors from all over the world. The Business Link UAE makes it easier for investors to set up businesses in Dubai. The world-class infrastructure of Dubai caters to a wide community of investors. Business Link UAE has a pretty strategic location that helps with business setup packages. Whether you’re a local company or an international one, we have something for you.

Ease of business

One of the significant benefits of Dubai’s business setup is the ease of business. Most investors prefer conducting business in the free zone considering the benefits it has to offer. Unlike the other areas, you will not have to undergo any complicated procedure to start your business.

Company Formation in Dubai Mainland and free zones provide you the opportunity of 100% ownership. Therefore, you can start your business from the basics. Furthermore, you can also enjoy various perks such as 100% revenues, profits, tax exemptions, and easy funds transfer.

When you conduct your business in Dubai, you will not have to worry about export and import taxes. The bigger free zones of the UAE have certain laws that you need to abide by.

Legislative level benefits

The NNSP is one of the prominent business models in the UAE. UAE has several business opportunities to ensure proper development in business. There is less taxation, minimum crime rate, stability, and effective business across commercial and residential areas.

UAE has an expanding business infrastructure that can draw opportunities from all around the world. Moreover, if you’re a new business, you can easily operate a business in Dubai. Business Link UAE can pave your way toward your goal.

Tax exemptions

Tax exemptions have always been one of the best benefits of setting up a business in Dubai. The government of UAE has launched this initiative to ensure everyone can easily set up their business in Dubai with fewer taxes.

As long as you follow the tax categories and business setup patterns in Dubai, you can easily set up a business. The 100% tax exemption is one of the best perks. Dubai follows a 0% corporate income tax. As a result, whatever investments you make you can keep 100% of its profits. Nonetheless, you need to register the company with respective authorities to enjoy these perks.

Global Position

The strategic global position of Dubai is one of the main reasons why you should consider setting up your business here. When it comes to the GCC countries, UAE has one of the best strategic locations.

UAE stands ahead of European nations. The global position makes Dubai a strong area for setting up a business.

Administrative entities of the Emirates within the UAE

The seven independent and separate entities have Emirates. Every zone and area has its own benefits to serve with some of the great features. If an area is suitable for tourist and hotel business, another area is pretty suitable for corporate business. Therefore, there is a very stable balance within the Emirates.

It is pretty easy to set up any kind of business in the UAE. Not to miss out there are several offers too. It is advisable to consider operating in free trade zones that have so many business opportunities as compared to the mainland.

Connectivity and infrastructure

The infrastructure in the UAE is constantly growing and bringing several business opportunities. The geographical location of the UAE and its connection with nearby areas offer several business routes. Furthermore, most of the free zones are located close to ports and airports which makes trading business pretty easy.

All the major airlines operate in Dubai. Moreover, Emirates is one of the leading companies that allows millions of passengers to work with you. The world-class infrastructure for seaports makes several businesses available easily. UAE has some major ports like Port Rashid, Al-Hamroya, and Jebel Ali that make it easy for you to operate a business.

Jebel Ali is the largest seaport in the UAE as it has around 63 berths. Since it is a huge port, trading businesses can easily flourish around this area.

Easy availability of manpower

Foreign investors consider investing in Dubai because of the wide availability of manpower. You can easily follow UAE law labors and easily set up your business in this location. One of the main reasons why it is easy to do business here is because recruitment is pretty easy.

The wide availability of manpower and resources can allow any business to operate in this location. If you need manpower for your business, Business Link UAE can help you with that. Nonetheless, foreign investors do not get any employment and currency restrictions while conducting business in free zones.

Growing economy

UAE is a growing economy that will keep flourishing in the coming years. Moreover, several ways are being employed to ensure the easy functioning of the business.

The open economy nature of the region makes it easier for everyone to conduct business. Furthermore, this will also contribute towards significant growth and prosperity soon. The UAE government is bringing in several liberal laws to ensure better business from foreign investors.

Legal framework

The economy of Dubai is driven by foreign investments. Therefore, the UAE government is introducing more measures to facilitate business functioning for foreign investments.

Their legal framework is pretty flexible and one can easily operate here. However, foreign nationals need to abide by rules and regulations. The legal procedures are pretty convenient. One of the best parts about setting up a business in Dubai is there is very little framework.

Political stability

One of the main reasons why businesses operate in Dubai is because the land has political stability. Political stability is the driving force for the growth of an organization.

The UAE is a role model for the world when it comes to bringing political stability. This factor has played an important role in driving investments from around the world. The UAE nationals strongly believe in the concept of peace and justice. Therefore, it aims at promoting the same concept for the growth of businesses.

Low crime rates

UAE is a multicultural society. Therefore, it is pretty easy to conduct business here. Tolerance is a virtue that every nation in UAE follows. Moreover, the laws in Dubai and the UAE Emirates are strict. Therefore, the crime rate is low too. The low crime rate is promoting infrastructural development and better living standards for everyone.

Department of Economic Development

The Department of Economic Development allows easy and fast business establishments. This is contributing heavily to the growth. Moreover, the UAE government coordinates with Free Zone authorities and DED to ensure proper business and economic growth. With the coming in of so many opportunities, businesses have been able to easily operate within Dubai in recent years.

The UAE is one of the best areas to conduct business. If you’re looking out to save money on taxes while conducting your business legally, you can set up your business in Dubai. Business Link will bring to you all the amenities required to set up your business in Dubai at affordable rates. So, get in touch with us today for exclusive offers.

✉ info@businesslinkuae.com | www.businesslinkuae.com | +971-556070118 | ☎+971-43215227
