
Trademark Registration in Dubai

Trademark registration in Dubai legally registers a trademark. The process involves conducting a trademark search to determine the availability of the desired trademark, filing a trademark application with the Department of Economic Development (DED), and following the examination and approval process.

Once the trademark is approved and registered, the owner can use the trademark symbol “®” and have the exclusive right to use the trademark for a specified period. 

The trademark registration process helps protect the owner’s brand and helps prevent others from using a similar trademark that may cause confusion in the marketplace.

Your trademark gives your company the unique identity it deserves! 

What is a Trademark?

A trademark is a unique symbol, design, phrase, or combination of these elements that identifies a specific product or service provided by a company in Dubai. It distinguishes it from those of other companies.

The purpose of a business trademark is to protect a company’s reputation and goodwill and to prevent others from using a similar trademark. And to act as a means of communication between the brand and potential audience.

In Dubai, trademarks can be registered with the Department of Economic Development (DED). The process involves:

 – Conducting a trademark search to determine the availability of the desired trademark

– Filing a trademark application with the DED

– Examination and approval process

Once the trademark is approved and registered, the owner can use the trademark symbol “®” and have the exclusive right to use the trademark in Dubai for 10 years.

A business trademark in Dubai should be distinctive and memorable, and should not be similar to existing trademarks or trade names. The selection and use of a trademark can have a significant impact on a company’s success. Thus, it is often advisable to seek the assistance of a trademark attorney when selecting and registering a trademark in Dubai.

Importance of Trademark Registration in Dubai

A unique logo representing your brand will do wonders for your business. People will use your trademark to remember your brand by allowing you to stand out in a pool of competitors.

The trademark is what will ultimately speak to the public on your behalf. Simply through the visual element of a logo, symbol or word, your trademark conveys the deeper message your brand is trying to get across.

Using simple tactics such as adding your business logo to an image and publishing it on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, can slowly create a social media presence and with that, increase the authenticity of your business.

Legal Requirements for Trademark Registration in Dubai

The Ministry of Economy is the official body in charge of reviewing, authorizing and registering trademarks.

Once approved, your trademark is valid in all seven emirates, for a period of 10 years, after which you are required to renew your application.

To apply for a trademark registration in Dubai, you must submit the following:

Characters/Signs That Cannot be Trademarked

Despite a large pool of symbols and characters to choose from, the UAE has issued restrictions to ensure nothing disrespectful is used. The following lists some of the restrictions on trademarks:

Since the list is quite extensive and can be confusing, hiring a professional business consultancy to undertake your trademark registration process is beneficial. 

Our experts can assist you by offering timely advice regarding your designs, what works and what doesn’t, to ensure the entire process moves in smooth and efficient manner.
