
Top 5 Industries To Invest In Egypt In 2023

Top 5 Industries To Invest In Egypt In 2023

Egypt is a land of great potential when it comes to investment opportunities. Its geographical location, diverse economy, and abundant natural resources make it an ideal destination for business setup and to invest in Egypt.

The country’s government has been making great strides in improving the business environment and creating a friendly investment climate. As of 2023, Egypt is seen as an increasingly attractive destination for investors looking for emerging market opportunities. The country has undertaken a series of economic reforms and initiatives to create a more business-friendly environment, which has led to an increase in foreign investment.

One of the key factors driving investment in Egypt is the growing population, which provides a substantial consumer base for new business setups in Egypt. Additionally, the government has been focusing on promoting economic growth by investing in infrastructure projects. The construction of new cities and the expansion of transportation networks.

In terms of specific sectors, there are several industries that are expected to see significant investment in Egypt in 2023. These include:

1. Information Technology



Egypt has a rapidly growing information technology industry, making it an attractive investment opportunity. The Egyptian government has made significant investments in the sector, with initiatives such as the establishment of technology parks, and tax breaks for technology companies. This has led to the growth of several startups and international companies opening up branches in the country.

The country has a large pool of highly skilled and educated IT professionals, with several universities offering courses in computer science and engineering. Additionally, the government has invested heavily in building IT infrastructure, with high-speed internet connection available throughout the country.

Some of the areas where investors can consider investing in the IT industry include software development, mobile applications, e-commerce, and cloud computing.

2. Renewable Energy



Egypt has abundant natural resources, including wind and solar power. The country has set a target of generating 42% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2035. To achieve this target, the government has implemented several initiatives, including the establishment of renewable energy feed-in tariffs and the construction of solar and wind power plants.

Investors can take advantage of this growing renewable energy industry by investing in the construction of renewable energy power plants, manufacturing renewable energy equipment, and developing energy storage systems.

3. Tourism



Tourism is a significant contributor to Egypt’s economy, accounting for 12% of the country’s GDP. The country is home to several ancient historical sites, including the pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Luxor temple. Additionally, Egypt has several modern tourist attractions, including beach resorts, museums, and cultural festivals.

The government has been investing in the tourism industry, with initiatives such as the construction of new hotels and resorts, improving infrastructure, and simplifying visa procedures. Entrepreneurs and investors can take advantage of this growth by investing in the hospitality industry and developing new tourist attractions. Tourism in Egypt would make for an ideal new business setup in Egypt. 

4. Agriculture



Agriculture is a significant contributor to Egypt’s economy, employing over 28% of the country’s workforce. The country has a favorable climate and fertile soil, making it suitable for growing a variety of crops, including cotton, wheat, and vegetables.

The government has implemented several initiatives to improve the agricultural sector. These include the construction of irrigation systems, providing subsidies to farmers, and promoting modern farming techniques. Investors can take advantage of the growing demand and establish a business setup for agricultural products by investing in the production and processing of crops, manufacturing farm equipment, and providing financing to farmers.

5. Healthcare



Egypt’s healthcare industry is growing, driven by increasing demand for quality healthcare services. The country has a large population, with a growing middle class that is demanding better healthcare services.

The government has implemented several initiatives to improve the healthcare sector, including the construction of new hospitals, the upgrading of existing hospitals, and the provision of training for healthcare professionals. This sector provides investment opportunities in the construction of healthcare facilities, providing healthcare technology solutions, and offering healthcare financing options.


Egypt offers a wealth of investment opportunities across various industries. The country’s government has been making significant efforts to improve the business environment and create a friendly investment climate. Investors can take advantage of the growing IT, renewable energy, tourism, agriculture, and healthcare industries to name a few. With the right investment strategy, investors can reap significant returns on their investment in Egypt. For entrepreneurs and foreign investors, setting up a business in Egypt the right way is crucial. As understanding a new corporate climate could be a challenge for some, consider consulting a professional business setup consultancy in Egypt. As experts in the industry, they can guide and assist in establishing your business in the country. Good luck!
