
How to Start Healthcare Business in Dubai?

Investing in Healthcare Business in Dubai, UAE

Dubai has always welcomed business investments with open arms. It has established various free zones for ease of trade and business thus pushing the entrepreneurs to make investments. UAE achieved 4Th global ranking and 1st regionally in ‘ease of setting up businesses. In every other index too, namely ‘protection of investors’, ‘getting credit’ and others Dubai comes in the top ten positions internationally. The economy is as alive and pulsing as it ever was and to add to that Dubai is gearing up for Expo 2020. Making it the right time to give life to your business idea.

Healthcare Industry is among the most fertile industries in the UAE. Millions of dollars worth of investments are being predicted to be made in this industry. Dubai Industrial Strategy 2030 has marked the path for the country to become the top growing economy. As per the plans, Healthcare and Pharma industry is on top of the priority list of most profitable industries in Dubai.

Why and How to Start Healthcare Business in Dubai?

Being a developed and modern nation, the population in Dubai is health-conscious and physically and financially strives. To acquire the best healthcare products and services. There is immense scope for starting a Healthcare business in Dubai if you have a basic knowledge of setting up a business in UAE. Here are five facts about healthcare business setup in Dubai which will inspire to make an investment in the industry;

1. Supportive Business Environment

Similar to Free zones for other industries, the government has established Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC). To support investors and make the process more inviting and efficient for healthcare businesses. This has been so successful to the extent that DHCC is now called the ‘health and wellness destination of the middle east. Within Dubai Healthcare City, the premises are categorizing broadly into the Medical Community and Wellness Community.

2. Unlimited Avenues for Investments

The medical community laid out by the DHCC spans out on a tremendous area of over 4 million sq. ft. and it presents unprecedented options to an investor. From the regular outpatient clinics to sprawling healthcare facilities to consultancies and medical schools, the list of ventures and organizations run in hundreds.

3. Tax Haven

The fact that attracts a major chunk of investors to this country (UAE) is the lack of tax liability. Once your business is up and running, you can enjoy your profits as per the agreed-upon terms of the various parties involved in the business. Except for oil, tobacco, and banking other sectors are not assessed for tax making. It is attractive for regional and foreign investors alike.

4. Healthcare Business Formation in Dubai

Once you have your business plan and funding ready the road to healthcare business formation in Dubai is fairly systematic. You will need to have a local service agent for healthcare business setup in Dubai Mainland. There are two options currently available to an investor for setting up a healthcare business in UAE – Starting a DHCC Free Zone Company or need to open new healthcare or set up a branch company in Mainland.

5. Expert Business Setup Support Services in Dubai to Help

Choosing a company like Business Link UAE to help you through the company formation procedures in Dubai will make the entire process smooth and stress-free. With years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the UAE rules and regulations. We help the clients to clear all the formalities effectively without errors and delays.

For more information contact us at 00 971 556070118 or email us at info@businesslinkuae.com
